Obwalden the insider tip
– 23 – R UNN I NG L I G H T O N E E V E N T , F I V E R A C E S Half marathon (“the fastest in Switzerland”), 10 km run, 5 km fun run, mini run and the Viktor Röthlin class duel, in which primary school pupils compete against Obwalden’s 2010 European marathon champion. marathon.ch O - I O – V I N TAG E V E H I C L E S I N O BWA L D E N H I S T O R Y O N WH E E L S The vintage vehicle rally. 100 years of automobile and mobility history – in the form of cars, lorries, post buses, tractors and two-wheelers – roll through Sarnen at Whitsun. Participants and lookers-on wear vintage clothes to suit the occasion. o-io.ch ROW I NG S A R N E N I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E G AT TA Switzerland’s biggest rowing regatta in terms of numbers has been held in Obwalden since 1983. It features over 150 races involving 1400 boats crewed by athletes from Swiss and international rowing clubs. ruderregattasarnersee.ch C H AMB E R MU S I C C L A S S I C A L MU S I C S I N C E 2 0 0 8 First-class performances on Lake Sarnen at various locations around the 7.5 km² lake, featuring chamber music performed by Swiss and international ensembles. erstklassik.ch F R U T T - C H I L B I R E G I O N A L MA R K E T A market on the Melchsee-Frutt plateau featuring regional products and delicacies. A summer festival for all ages with a wonderful social programme. melchsee-frutt.ch The latest dates and other great Obwalden events can be found here. R A PAT TAC K MU S I C F E S T I VA L Two days, every facet of hip-hop. That sums up the festival on the Landenberg in Sarnen. The stage is set for breakdancing, MC’ing, DJ’ing and graffiti. rapattack-events.ch O BWA L D F O L K C U LT U R E F E S T I VA L How do cultures interrelate and interact? Answers to this question can be found at Obwald, the festival that throws the spotlight on the familiar and the similar versus the new and the different. obwald.ch L UNG E RN L A K E S I D E N I G H T F E S T I VA L F I R E WO R K S O N L A K E L U N G E R N The Swiss National Day is anticipated in Lungern on 31 July. The convivial festival by the lake is known for its games, fun, music and, of course, popular fireworks display at 10 pm sharp. snf-lungern.ch
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